
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

3 Reasons Single Women Should NOT Send Nude Pics

Ladies, You'll thank me later...guys reading this, you'll probably hate me. lol

Today was the last straw of vaginas for me. To clarify that statement, Im talking about seeing an unwarranted 'hello kitty' on my timeline leaked from an ex of some random girl. Enough is Enough! Not only do I not  want see this type of thing but my soul quietly weeps with embarrassment for these girls... these victims.

Soooo I want to do a PSA to all of you reading this in the hopes to at LEAST make you think twice before you hit the 'send' button of that naked pic.

To be clear, this is written for SINGLE people only. Im not as opposed to nudes to someone in a long term commited relationship.


Why You Should Say NO to Nudies:

1. Guy Are Shady- He's all that now but wait until after it's over (Debbie Downer moment). Seriously you have to think about the future and if you're confident that your current boo wont flip the switch on you once things are finished... REMEMBER you dont really know people or what damage they are capable of doing. I've heard guys showing their homies pics of YOU girls naked, hell I've even had a guy friend show me videos of the sex...and it was not for bragging purposes.

2. Social Media- If you send a naked pic to a guy you're just talking to/dating then you never really know where this pic will end up. Even if the guy himself isnt shady, it's possible someone could get a hold of your pic on his phone...and guess what? One upload to twitter could lead to more than a million views worldwide. You dont want your lady parts to go viral, just dont hit send

3. Your Influence- The older I get the more I realize the influence I have, no matter how small. If ever Im tempted to do something senseless Im thinking "What would I suggest to someone else who is thinking about doing this?" and chances are it'd be to not do it. OR if Im feeling really deep, I think about how would if I feel if I found out my (future) daughter was doing this? If the feeling is not good, I dont do it. I want my future children to be proud of me and not for them to be able to google search my hoo-hah.

Are you with me? Can we start a "I dont want to see any Vagina but my own" campaign? Seriously, It's sad when strangers can identify you by your Vajayjay.


Im not crazy enough to believe that this post will stop millions of girls from sending cake shots so here's advice to those who absolutely must for whatever reason.

1. Dont show your face- Simple if it leaks: deny, deny, deny!
2. No identifiable tattoos- Same as face, dont show anything that is unique to just you, no tattoos or birthmarks or whatever.
3. Angle & Filter & No close ups- I believe in generic nudes. A snapshot of a nice ass is good enough, boobs as well. The key is for it to be sexy and not traceable to you.

Remember, unless you're in a long term committed, loving relationship you probably shouldnt trust him as far as you can throw him in regards to your pics.

Comment Below

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Four Rules of Friends With Benefits

bow chica wow wow

According to Pyschology Today, these are the four rules one must apply upon entering a 'friends with benefits' relationship. Included are my thoughts and opinions.

Rule # 1: Don't mix your social circles.
Letting him or her hang out with or get too close to your friends borders on a relationship, so be careful about sharing too much of your life unless you're prepared to take the relationship to the next level. If you introduce your FWB partner to your friends, your friends can become attached, making things more difficult down the road if you simply want to keep things light. In addition, introducing him or her to your friends will invite the inevitable positive or negative comments your friends are bound to share about your new love - er, lust - interest.

-I agree with this. You dont want your friends too involved in a FWB relationship especially when it most likely ends, it's just awkward because your friends will too have to 'break up' with him.

Rule # 2: Don't share too much emotionally unless you want things to get more serious.
If you confide in him or her about life issues that are causing you stress, this increases the kind of intimacy you want to avoid if you don't want to get too emotionally attached. One of the things that makes FWB a tricky proposal is the fact that it's hard to avoid emotional intimacy when you're spending time with someone - particularly when you're engaging in sexual activity together. What's more, the real goal is to have both sex and emotional intimacy, so engaging in FWB relationships actually works against the goal you'll strive toward in a healthy, long-term relationship later in your life.

-Although this is tricky, I agree. Once you start opening up too much, feelings most likely are escalating for the guy. By then you probably are secretly hoping that the FWB relationship will evolve into a real one. BIG MISTAKE. Keep the convo light and casual and the sex as well.

Rule # 3: Be realistic about the future you have together.
The best way to be honest with yourself and realistic about what to expect is to have a conversation with him or her early on about the parameters of your FWB relationship. You might think that a FWB relationship is and always will be just about sex, but that's not always the truth. In fact, a real romantic relationship can develop from a FWB relationship. But for that to happen, you will need to relax and communicate openly about your needs and your feelings, and circumstances will require that the timing is right for the other person and that you are the kind of person he or she is looking for in terms of a long-term partner.

-Communication is IMPORTANT. Make sure you both know what it is and dont expect anything else other than what you've both agreed upon. The FWB relationship can develop into a real one but that just has to happen naturally if it does.

Rule # 4: Manage inevitable jealoousy when it arises.
No matter how cool or detached both of you try to be, odds are that jealousy will rear its ugly head. If you find yourself getting jealous, be honest and tell your FWB partner, and the two of you can talk about whether the FWB relationship is truly working for both of you. If he's the one who starts getting jealous, for example, and you also realize that you don't want to get involved more seriously with him, it's time to consider detaching and letting the benefits side of the relationship go.

-As awkward and ego killing as this may be, I agree although realistically I probably wouldnt tell the person i was jealous. I'd probably unfollow the guy from all social networks and see how it goes from there. lol

Overall, I agree with the Friends with benefits rules listed. I tend to think this relationship is the trickiest, most confusing and fastest way to set yourself up for a let down, but to each his own. If you can work it, then power to ya!

Hope this helps, as usual drop a comment.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Celibate, Abstinent or Dry Season? Know the Differences.
pic courtesy of

I think a few people are completely confused about their non sex life status. As a result, they tend to claim one thing when it's actually another. People tend to think a lack of sex makes them celibate or abstinent when in reality it's neither- you could  just be in a dry season.

Here are the definition and examples of each so you can correctly identify your non sex


Abstaining from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons.

A person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations.
Example:  I've taken a vow of celibacy until marriage for religious purposes

ab•sti•nence /ãb'stə-nəns
Definition: (in relation to contraception) abstinence means not having any type of intercourse or sex play with a partner.
 Example: I'm abstaining from sex until I find a reliable birth control method.

Example: Im abstaining from sex until Im in a commited loving relationship

 dry* season/ dri-seazun (lol)
Definition: A season in which YOU AINT GETTIN NONE for an extended period of time for whatever reason. 
Example: I havent had any in about four months...Im going through a dry season
Example: I havent had any in (although I would like some and would if the opportunity arises) about a year...Im going through a dry season.

You get it now? Celibacy and Abstinence are similar- both are conscious decisions to abstain from sex for a certain amount of time for a certain reason while a dry season is when you aint getting none for a certain time but would if you could.

Now be honest, are you celibate or just aint getting none :p

Drop a comment below!


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