
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Has Technology Ruined the "Getting to Know You" Stage?

Is it just me or is the "getting to know you stage" annoying?

In an instant "microwave" society, the truth is that relationships are one thing that still takes time to cultivate. Just a decade ago, (just typing that makes me feel so old) meeting a new potential beau was so exciting. You anticipated getting to know him, his likes and dislikes and staying up allll night long on the phone with him talking about anything, everything and nothing at all. Ahhh those were the days.

NOW, I believe technology has ruined those sweet moments we used to enjoy. I myself am guilty of googling people I just met and basically through a series of twitter/facebook/instagram stalking- finding out their whole life story to decide if I should continue to pursue...ya know, just to make sure they're not psycho, married, gay or anything else. This basically is a set up for failure, because you'll realize he's not perfect and he's exposing all these quirks and flaws that you probably wouldnt have seen until months on in, but you just dont care enough to invest in such a risky situation so you decide already that talking to him is probably not in your best interest and to keep it moving...then repeat.

We fail to realize that getting to know people takes one thing: TIME. All our family, our friends, our coworkers, our associates, anyone that we know well enough has taken time for the relationship to be established...and the same goes for relationships whether we like it or not. If someone was to judge me by my online presense alone, Im not sure what my score would tally up to. I know that if they spent the time with me, saw my sense of humor (which really doesnt translate online like in person), saw my smile, heard my goals and dreams from my mouth and my fears and dislikes THEN they could be able to make a decision on whether Im the type of person they would want to be with. I'd hate to be prejudged or to prejudge someone else, so Im going to try to not look at facebook/twitters or instagrams so harshly when getting to know someone. I know for sure that'll be hard for me, because Im nosy, but I really think that in the long run it'll help to establish better relationships.

How do you all feel about the issue? Anybody else can admit to cyberstalking a new boo? lol

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