
Saturday, October 20, 2012

So What Is It, Opposites Attract or Like Attracts Like?

Throughout the course of our lives, we are faced with numerous conflicting messages. For example, when we learned the the alphabet and the vowels (yes Im taking it back) we learned the vowels were A,E,I,O,U...and sometimes Y. That sometimes Y is pretty tricky because it is neither a full time vowel or a full time consonant. I digress.

Life tends to present plenty of "And sometimes Y" situations. Especially in regards to relationships. We are taught certain things, and then taught the exact opposite of those things and are left to figure out when to use them and in which cases, which of course usually varies. Like Independence. We are taught to be independent and have our own as women and not need a man for anything. We are also taught that men are to be the providers, protectors and head of the household....which kind of means we do need them. Confusing right?

So my post today is about the old adage of "opposites attract", which Im sure you've heard said before. Im confused because in my personal enlightenment journey, I've learned that "like attracts like". I want to know which one should I be looking for?

From experience, I've been with an opposite. I tend to go for opposite. I am fairly reserved, calm, laid back, mainly introverted person and am innately attracted to the loud, personable, funny, extremely extroverted man. Ideally, I think it's good because we balance out. Ya know, Ying-Yang. BUT what happens is I usually become annoyed by the loud mouth, jokester who cant shut the hell up sometimes. To be fair, he may have also become annoyed by my ole quiet ass too. lol.

As far as the "like attracts like", I've not personally dated someone who I felt was like me. I would think I'd be bored, but I guess to even say that would imply that I think Im boring, which I dont. So maybe I'll give it a try, maybe thats what I need: a male version of me. lol.

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