
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Celibate, Abstinent or Dry Season? Know the Differences.
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I think a few people are completely confused about their non sex life status. As a result, they tend to claim one thing when it's actually another. People tend to think a lack of sex makes them celibate or abstinent when in reality it's neither- you could  just be in a dry season.

Here are the definition and examples of each so you can correctly identify your non sex


Abstaining from marriage and sexual relations, typically for religious reasons.

A person who abstains from marriage and sexual relations.
Example:  I've taken a vow of celibacy until marriage for religious purposes

ab•sti•nence /ãb'stə-nəns
Definition: (in relation to contraception) abstinence means not having any type of intercourse or sex play with a partner.
 Example: I'm abstaining from sex until I find a reliable birth control method.

Example: Im abstaining from sex until Im in a commited loving relationship

 dry* season/ dri-seazun (lol)
Definition: A season in which YOU AINT GETTIN NONE for an extended period of time for whatever reason. 
Example: I havent had any in about four months...Im going through a dry season
Example: I havent had any in (although I would like some and would if the opportunity arises) about a year...Im going through a dry season.

You get it now? Celibacy and Abstinence are similar- both are conscious decisions to abstain from sex for a certain amount of time for a certain reason while a dry season is when you aint getting none for a certain time but would if you could.

Now be honest, are you celibate or just aint getting none :p

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